September 2023 Minutes


Welcome (3 min) Stephen McBride
Treasurer’s Report (5 min) 

  • Fiscal year 2023 report: 
    • Regular donations received: $1466
    • Collected $13,655 for fire recovery fundraisers
    • Interest: $14.15
      • Total income: $15,135.16
    • Expenses – $15938.33
    • Net income – -$773
    • Net assets $10,625.08
    • Net income of $-31.58
Stacey Cordeiro
Police Report (10 min) 

● Contact: 

● C11CSO on Twitter:

  • Open Streets on Sunday, parts of Dot Ave from 10 am-3:30 pm
  • 8/17 – officers responded to a car break-in in progress at 19 Sawyer Ave. Suspect broke into 2 more cars. Officers located and charged the suspect. 
  • 8/23 – Officers responded to a radio call to investigate suspicious persons at 8 Sawyer Ave.One suspect was arrested for possesion of stolen scooter
  • 9/4 – Officers responded to a gun found in a yard on Sawyer Ave. Firearm was secured and relocated to precinct as evidence. 
  • 8/12 – Officers responded to a red light violation by Sawyer Ave, driver informed officers they were shot and on the way to the hospital. Officers escorted driver to the hospital.  
Officer George Downing
By-Law Revisit and Update

  • We did pass by-laws and amendment updates. The updates are on the website and Stephen dropped into the chat where members can view them on the website. 
Stephen McBride
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services Update (5 min) Ashley Gomes
St. Mary’s Center Project Update

  • Alexis is the president of St. Mary’s, Nora is the chief development officer. 
  • Trunk or Treat is coming up in October 
  • Alexis and members of the project team recapped the project and presented updates, which include an expansion of the campus, rehabilitation of existing deteriorating buildings, multi-use spaces, green spaces, and enclosing the garage.   
  • Abutters meetings are held every month. 
  • Estimated to begin construction June 2024, completion estimated date is summer 2027.
Alexis Steel & Nora Lehan
Committee Reports 


Stephen McBride

On The Hill (5 min) 

  • Open Forum or Announcements
  • We are planning on extending invites to folks running for City Council district 3 
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Community Announcements – JHA Events Page

Add the JHA Monthly Meeting to Your Google Calendar

Click this link to add this event to your personal Google calendar. Invitees are hidden, but the Zoom and invite will show on your calendar so you never forget!

Botany of Invasives at Uphams Corner Food Forest – September 16 (10-12)

Join Alex Klein and find out about the botany of invasie species at our own Uphams Corner Food Forest from 10-12 this Saturday. While you’re at it, join the community on Facebook, where you can connect with neighbors and find out how to join the Stewardship Committee. 

Open Streets – Dorchester Avenue between Ashmont and Freeport Street – Sunday Sept. 17 (10-3:30)

This Saturday, take back the streets as Dot Ave closes to cars and becomes a public space. Come walk down Dot Ave between Ashmonth and Freeport Streets between 10-3:30 to see neighbors, vendors, artists, and entertainment in this unique experiences second year back!

Upcoming Red Line Closures (and Information Sessions)

Our time has come. The Ashmont Branch of the Red Line will be closed from October 14-29 as the MBTA takes 16 days to complete a surge of work along the Ashmont and Mattapan lines. There are public meetings September 14, 19, 27, and 30 – more information can be found on the attached flyer. 

Volunteer with or Refer a Neighbor to FriendshipWorks

FriendshipWorks is a volunteer based non-profit organization with the mission of reducing loneliness and isolation in the older adult population. Loneliness and isolation in older adults seriously impact their physical and mental health with dire consequences. Reach out to the information on the attached flyer to refer to adults 60+ years of age or 55+ if they are visually or auditorily impaired.

You can also volunteer. The flagship program is Friendly Visiting through which we pair older adults and volunteers in their neighborhoods to spend time together for 1 or 2 hours a week. There are also other programs such as Medical Escorts, Friendly Helping,MusicWorks and PetPals. All of the programs are free of cost and more information can be found on the attached flyer.