December 2023 Minutes


Welcome (3 min) Tim Scott
Treasurer’s Report (5 min) 

  • November: 
  • Donations received $295
  • Interest income $1.17
  • Total income $296.17
  • Net assets: $10,896.57
Stacey Cordeiro
Police Report (10 min) 

● Contact: 

● C11CSO on Twitter:

  • 11/14 – officers responded to a radio call for an assault and battery, an assailant tried to take someone’s purse.  
  • 11/16 – at 77 Hancock Street, officers responded to reports of shots fired, and found bullet casings at the scene. Still an ongoing investigation
  • 11/18 – Fire at 114 Sawyer Ave, an estimated $200,000 in damage, no one at the premises 
Officer George Downing
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services Update (5 min) Ashley Gomes
Committee Reports 

  • Social & Outreach Committee (
    • Will resume meeting in January. Hoping to combine the social and outreach committee meetings with some in-person socializing, hopefully alternating between Harp and Bard and Oasis Restaurant. All are welcome. 
    • We’re thinking will be on the 3rd or 4th weekend of the money, will announce in January
  • Planning & Development (
    • Met in October to write the letter about St. Marys, have not met in November and December because of the holidays. Will meet again in January. 
  • Greenspace & Friends of Downer Park (
    • Downer Ave Dog Park area has been terraced and more gravel and mulch were added. 

Tim Scott

On The Hill (5 min) 

  • Open Forum or Announcements
  • Everett Ave. Food Forest is working on sheet mulching this Saturday 12/15 at 10am and is accepting cardboard boxes for the project. People can drop off cardboard boxes at the shed at the food forest.  
Join Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 617 021 2555 | Passcode: 661177

One tap mobile: +16465588656,,6170212555#,,,,*661177#

Community Announcements – JHA Events Page

Add the JHA Monthly Meeting to Your Google Calendar

Click this link to add this event to your personal Google calendar. Invitees are hidden, but the Zoom and invite will show on your calendar so you never forget!

St. Mary’s Center Holiday Opportunities

Visit this site to view information on how to support the resident’s of St. Mary’s this holiday season.

My Brother’s Keeper 617 Holiday Opportunities

Scroll to the bottom of this page to find my information on how to support MBK617 this holiday season. You can also sign up to be a recipient of their Toy Drive (December 22) via this form.

December Events at Uphams Corner BPL Branch 

See what the library has in store for the next month here!