
The Downer Ave Playground is Now Open!

In cooperations with Boston Parks and Recreation and the Friends of the Playground, we are happy to announce that the Downer Ave Playground is now open for use. The Playground features the following amenities:

  • Children play area
  • Multipurpose sports area
  • Fitness station
  • Dog recreation area
  • Plaza with accessible tables
  • Amphitheatre / Lawn space

The park is open from dawn to dusk, and the dog play area from 6.30a to 8.30p. We ask that you please review and adhere to all rules posted throughout the park for use of the various park areas/amenities. Note that Boston COVID-19 protocols are required for the entire Playground space. Organized activities may require a permit from the Parks department (please contact

Please be mindful of these to respect abutting neighbors and other Playground users.

If you are interested in helping out with the Playground (general assistance, programming, plantings, dog rec area, etc), consider joining the Friends of the Park group. Please fill out this form or email

Dog Recreation Area Hours of Operation are 6.30am – 8.30pm

Users of the Downer Ave Dog Recreation Area do so at their own risk. The City of Boston, Boston Parks and Recreation Department, and Jones Hill Association are not liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the DRS location.

Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in Downer Ave Dog Recreation Area closure. Please review and adhere to all rules posted throughout the park for use of the various park areas/amenities.

Rules & Regulations

Before you enter the dog rec area:

  • The area is for dogs, their handlers and those accompanying them only.
  • All dogs must be licensed, vaccinated and healthy (no contagious diseases or parasites).
  • Dogs showing aggression towards people or other dogs are not allowed.
  • Dogs in heat are not allowed.
  • Puppies younger than four (4) months are prohibited.
  • Prong, choke and spike collars must be removed upon entering.
  • Dogs must be leashed entering and exiting.
  • No more than 3 dogs per handler may enter.
  • Handlers must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Handlers are responsible for any injury or damage caused by the dog(s) under their control.

While in the Downer Ave Dog Recreation Area:

  • Dogs must be in view and under the control of their handlers at all times.
  • Dogs must be removed at the first sign of aggression.
  • Handlers must pick up and properly dispose of their dog’s waste immediately and should encourage others to do the same. The “pick up after your dog” law applies within the Downer Ave Dog Recreation Area – fines will be imposed.
  • Digging is not permitted. Handlers must fill any holes dug by dogs under their control.
  • Excessive barking is not allowed. Be mindful of neighbors, esp. at early or late hours.
  • Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Handlers must have possession of the dog(s) leash at all times.
  • No smoking, drinking or drugs are allowed in the Downer Ave Dog Recreation Area.