Due to COVID-19, meetings will be held via Zoom until further notice (details below)
Everyone is welcome – please bring a neighbor or two!
If you would like to become a voting member, please be sure to renew your membership at https://www.joneshill.com/become-a-member/.
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 at 7PM
Welcome Back and New Officers Positions and Elections (5 min)
Bridget Curd |
New Officer Introductions (5min) |
JHA officers |
Treasurer’s Report (7 min)
Stacey Cordeiro |
Elections for New Officer Positions (10mins) |
Morgan Callahan Steve Power |
Bridget Curd Stacey Cordeiro Steve Power Kit Binns Kathy Rogers FODP Members |
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services Update (5 min) |
Denise DosSantos |
Michael Keamy |
St. Mary’s Quarantine Series (SMQS)- Tamra Grace Jones (5min)
Tamra Grace Jones |
Please Note: Due to time constraints, this month’s Police Report will be provided in a written format in order to 1) allow neighbors more time to review and 2) provide greater transparency into what’s going on around the community. If there are issues of particular concern, JHA can coordinate follow-up discussions with BPD at the request of members to share concerns and discuss ideas for how to collaborate on addressing systemic issues. Alternatively, questions can be directed to our liaison officer George.Downing@pd.Boston.gov. |
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89009313036?pwd=N1UraW1lWUk5R0k4VGtDakgyZVljQT09 Meeting ID: 890 0931 3036 |